Thursday, January 30, 2020

Demonstrative Communication Essay Example for Free

Demonstrative Communication Essay Provide examples showing how demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective, positive and negative, for the sender and receiver.   Demonstrative Communication is the process of people’s thoughts and messages of communicating by actively listening in verbal and nonverbal communication. Depending on how a message is communicated, â€Å"can be effective and ineffective, either positive or negative† (Juancho24, 2012). Communication is used everywhere for instance all over the world. There are many forms of communication by applying communication process model for example; â€Å"sender/receiver, encoding, decoding, message, channel, and feedback† (Cheesbro, O’Connor, and Rios, 2010). Learning to develop communication skills can help individuals to carry appropriate conversations and to interpret the connection with one another. There are many ways to communicate verbal and nonverbal for example, a parent tells his child how proud he is to be his parent and then gives him a hug, the parent expresses verbal communication by using positive words and applies nonverbal communication with a hug, body language. Individuals express verbal communication through oral or written skills. Verbal communication is the tone of voice that indicates how engaged the topic is and the ability to realize the emotions perceived. A person’s tempo in a conversation can be understood with the ideas being communicated. When sending a message in verbal communication the words accustomed to, can convey differently then how the receiver defines the context. Nonverbal communication is unstoppable and significantly valuable as much as speaking with a loud tone of voice and communicating verbally. In nonverbal communication, â€Å"All types of communication do not involve the exchange of words,† is defined as nonverbal communication† (Rogers Steinfatt, 1999, p. 67). A facial expression is the most common skill used in nonverbal communication for example; a smile or frown, eye contact, body language, and gestures. Overall, nonverbal communication can be effective positively and can be negatively ineffective in two different points of views. First example, husbands and wives communicate with each other by observing each other’s body language. This is a positive way of communication by effectively knowing each others thoughts. Second example, Children know as soon as their parents turn to look at them, the meaning is to stop misbehaving and could mean they are in trouble. The second example used is both effective and ineffective. Third example, a smile or frown can interpret a person to be happy or angry. The person could also be interpreted as approachable or would rather be left alone. This is positively effective and negatively ineffective. Fourth example, an individual waving or a hand shake in America, can be interrupted as a friendly sign or a strong individual but can also be interrupted as insulting and rude in other countries. This example is both effective and ineffective with positive and negative communication. However, verbal communication consequently has similar negatively ineffective as positively effective. First example, the lack of listening leads to misconception and when listening carefully the outcome becomes essential to the receiver. Both examples are ineffective and effective. Second example, is the choice of vocabulary and taking into consideration who will be receiving the information. This is used by effectively positive. Third example, the lack of verbal speech and failing to interpret the proper speech causes misunderstanding. In another way the proper use of speech can help the receiver to understand what is being interpreted. Example is used by ineffective with negative outcome but if used correctly can be effective with positive outcomes. Explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Listening and responding is used in demonstrative communication to engage the active communication skill from sender to receiver. This process is very important to both sender and receiver, by actively listening and ready to respond. One example is a sender and receiver must be willing to communicate properly. â€Å"Accurate listening efficiency promotes retention of important information, resulting in fewer misunderstandings and on-the-job errors† (Wilson, n.d., p. 1). Once a sender is ready to send out a message it is important for the receiver to receive the correct information by evaluating the message sent, this way the receiver can respond back with feedback and a solution. Applying the steps in the communication process model, mentioned in the first paragraph of this essay will go hand in hand with the practice of listening and responding which will help by demonstrating communication through the steps being practice. An example of listening and responding with children is, â€Å"monkey see monkey do† (Uebergang, 2006, Dec.20). Listening and responding is a process to be learned as individuals who continues to repeat the process with a good attitude. Conclusion Communicating can never be avoided no matter how hard we try and cannot solve every issue. Demonstrative communicate is an ongoing process of how we interact within one another every day, in different settings of environment such as professional, at home, work, and community. Verbal and nonverbal communication is deceiving if misunderstood. Therefore, communicating can be a lifelong advancement. References Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., Rios, F. (2010). Communicating in the workplace. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Juancho24 (2012, 02). Demonstrative Communication. Retrieved 02, 2012, from Rogers, E. M., Steinfatt, T. M. (1999). Intercultural communication. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. Uebergang, J. (2006, December 20). Teaching your child listening skills. Improving our â€Å"signals† and â€Å"beings.† Retrieved January 9, 2008, from Wilson, B. (n.d.). Practical benefits of better listening forleaders and teams. Retrieved April 6, 2007, from

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Prejudice and Racism Today :: Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays

"...Everybody jumped on him, beat the hell out of him... Everybody was hitting him or kicking him. One guy was kicking at his spine. Another guy hitting on the side of the face... He was unconscious. He was bleeding. Everybody had blood on their forearms. We ran back up the hill laughing... He should have died... He lost so much blood he turned white. He got what he deserved" (Ridgeway 167.) The skinheads who performed this random act of racial violence in 1990, had no reason to brutally beat their victim other than the fact that he was Mexican (Ridgeway 167). Racism is objectively defined as any practice of ethnic discrimination or segregation. Fortunately, racial violence is steadily declining as the turn of the century approaches. Now a new form of racism, covert racism, has recently sprung from the pressures of political correctness. This new form of racism, although slowly declining, still shows signs of strong support (Piazza 86). Covert racism assumes a form of civil disobedience against politically correct thought and speech. Essentially, covert racism is a "hidden" racism, or a racism not easily detected (Piazza 78). "Racism is still strongly prevalent in today's society" (Gudorf 3). The three different basic forms of racism, open racism, violent racism, and covert racism all express forms of hatred towards distinct ethnic groups (Bender 47). These basic forms of racism, although different in form, all have the same main purpose, to promote racism. Open racism expresses freedom of racial thought and speech. Open racists promote their views through strictly persuasionary tactics. This form of racism is allowed in our society because of the First Amendment. Open racism is currently almost nonexistent and steadily declining, because it is considered politically incorrect and socially unacceptable. Violent racism promotes racism through violence, fear, and persuasionary tactics (Leone 49) This form of racism is not protected by the First Amendment because it promotes violence to express its ideas. Unfortunately many violent racial groups claim they do not promote violence, and therefore these groups are protected by the First Amendment because not enough sufficient evidence exists to prove their violent intent (Ridgeway 123). Covert racism expresses ideas of racism in disguised forms; sometimes the covert racist is not even aware of the fact that he is racist. "Racism, it is asserted, is no longer blatant: people nowadays are reluctant to express openly their dislike of and contempt for minorities, indeed are not prepared to express publicly a sentiment that could be interpretted as racist. Racism, it is said, is subtle: it is disguised, kept out of sight" (Enrlich 73) "The

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Myths can be considered a common way for society as a whole to develop stereotypical Judgments upon the elderly community. Myths create negative attitudes that often create discrimination within society that enhances untruths about the elderly population. In order to see the myths that hinder society as a hole taking a look at what ageism Is is in fact beneficial to bring truth to the table. What Is ageism? Ageism Is a social attitude that has created myths wealth society that have endorsed society's stereotype of aging adults within communities.Myths are can be generated by many things such as demeaning comments passed on from person to person or by simply turning on the television and seeing negative adaptations of what life Is like as an elderly person. â€Å"Many social psychologists and gerontologists cite the media as a major source of negative stereotypes of the elderly' (Martin, 2007) (up. 141). Fear of growing old can generate the social attitudes seen in ageism that brings about negative behaviors to cloud people's Judgments and ultimately result In myths. Language is one of the most pervasive ways that ageism exists and persists In our society' (Wilkinson, Ferreira, & Nelson, 2004, up. 341-342). Terms used in daily conversations such as; old people, grumpy old men, they can't do it they are to old are all types of languages that support ageism in society today. Interventions and strategies with ageism are to educate the public on the rigorousness of discrimination and taunting language directed towards our aging adults.In today's societies many options are available for the elderly to seek refuge in these times of need. According to Martin (2007), † contrary to the common belief of many in the United States, most elderly individuals remain in their homes until death and are cared for by family members† (up. 142). In some situations a family member may move their aging relative or loved one into their homes to make it easier for them to m aintain constant care needed on a twenty- four hour basis. Retirement communities offer numerous accommodations that assist ND care for aging adults in a setting that creates an active lifestyle.Some communities offer clubs, crafts, physical health classes, cooking facilities, pools, beautiful landscapes to walk in and anything else that will empower yet keep a well balanced lifestyle. â€Å"Government subsidized senior housing can make housing costs more affordable for the elderly population, whether in the form of a subsidy provided directly to the elderly in form of tax credits, loans, or rental vouchers, or subsidies provided to the housing community, which passes on this discount to the enter† (Martin, 2007) (up. 143).Finally there is assisted living facilities (ODL) designed to accommodate individuals who need around the clock care and assistance. This option of residency is an apartment typesetting that is based around structured living. In an (ODL) environment there w ill be all types of assistance to various needs from the residence in the forms of eating, bathing, walking, exercising, getting dressed and even help with taking medications on time. Most (ODL) communities will have Can's (Certified Nursing Assistants) as well as on tie Urn's (Registered Nurses) that provide most of the assistance needed for care.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Therizinosaurs - The Weirdest Dinosaurs

Therizinosaurs --reaping lizards--were some of the strangest dinosaurs ever to roam the earth during the Cretaceous period. Technically part of the theropod family--the bipedal, carnivorous dinosaurs also represented by raptors, tyrannosaurs and dino-birds--therizinosaurs were endowed by evolution with an unusually goofy appearance, including feathers, pot bellies, gangly limbs, and extremely long, scythe-like claws on their long front hands. Even more bizarrely, theres ample evidence that these dinosaurs pursued a herbivorous (or at least omnivorous) diet, a sharp contrast to their strictly meat-eating theropod cousins. (See a gallery of therizinosaur pictures and profiles.) Adding to their mystery, only a few genera of therizinosaurs have been identified, most of them hailing from eastern and central Asia (Nothronychus was the first therizinosaur to be discovered on the North American continent, followed soon after by Falcarius). The most famous genus--and the one that gave this family of dinosaurs its name--is Therizinosaurus, which was discovered in Mongolia a few years after World War II. In the absence of other remains, which were only discovered years later, the joint Soviet/Mongolian excavation team that unearthed the partial fossil of this dinosaur barely knew what to make of its three-foot-long claws, wondering if theyd stumbled on some kind of ancient killer turtle! (Some earlier texts reference therizinosaurs as segnosaurs, after the equally mysterious genus Segnosaurus, but this is no longer the case.) Therizinosaur Evolution Part of what makes therizinosaurs so baffling to scientists is that they cant comfortably be assigned to any existing dinosaur family, although theropods are certainly the closest fit. To judge by some clear anatomical similarities, it was once thought that these dinosaurs were closely related to prosauropods, the sometimes bipedal, sometimes quadrupedal herbivores that were distantly ancestral to the sauropods of the late Jurassic period. That all changed with the discovery of the middle Cretaceous Alxasaurus, a primitive therizinosaur equipped with some distinctly theropod-like characteristics, which helped put the evolutionary relationships of the entire breed in sharper focus. The consensus now is that therizinosaurs evolved in their unusual direction from an earlier, more primitive branch of the theropod family. From a biologists perspective, the oddest thing about therizinosaurs wasnt their appearance, but their diet. Theres a convincing case to be made that these dinosaurs a) used their long front claws to slice and dice copious amounts of vegetation (since these appendanges were too ungainly to slash fellow dinosaurs), and b) harbored an extensive network of intestines in their prominent pot bellies, an adaptation that would only have been needed in order to digest tough plant matter. The inescapable conclusion is that therizinosaurs (distant relatives of the prototypically carnivorous Tyrannosaurus Rex) were largely herbivorous, in much the same way that prosauropods (distant relatives of the protopically plant-eating Brachiosaurus) probably supplemented their diets with meat. A stunning recent discovery in Mongolia, in 2011, has shed some much-needed light on the social behavior of therizinosaurs. An expedition to the Gobi Desert identified the remains of no less than 75 therizinosaur eggs (genus undetermined), in 17 separate clutches of a few eggs apiece, some of which had apparently hatched before being fossilized. What this means is that the therizinosaurs of central Asia were social, herding animals, and may have provided their hatchlings with at least a couple of years of parental care before abandoning them in the wild.